
Monthly Archive for: ‘December, 2021’
Jenna suggests…

Jenna shares her favorite reads from the last year (or so) [2021], including print and audio formats. These would make great gifts! Dirt | Mary Marantz Recommended in Audio format Summary: Mary Marantz shares her story for anyone who has ever walked into the world and felt like their scars were still on display, showing that you are …

Winning Anthologies

Old Venus | by George R. R. Martin and Gardner Dozois (eds.) Summary: This collection of short stories visits Venus when we thought it was swampy and jungle-thick with exotic life. Never mind that our scientific observations have eliminated this possibility – the various writers ignore the real acidic atmosphere and create a world both …

Love for the Library

Dear Librarian | Lydia M. Sigwarth Summary: Many children don’t gain the experience of knowing a ‘library home’ – having enjoyed several myself as I grew up, this story is a great callback to comfortable surroundings. The main character is unnamed in her own narrative, but it becomes clear that she represents the author when …