Donna Recommends This Fictional story based on true facts of the early 1900’s.

The Giver of Stars | Jojo Moyes

Summary: It is a fictional story based on the true history of the The Pack Horse Library project from 1935-1943. Set in the Appalachian Mountains it is a story of 5 socially different women who want to make a difference by taking books by horses to people in rural Kentucky. The individual stories of the women are fictional but very full and entertaining. 

Recommendation: Since I have never heard of the Pack Horse Library project it was very informative but never dull. The characters are well rounded and inspirational. Imagine instead of being able to drive to your local library you have wait weeks for a few books to arrive by horse back. This is their story along with a few fictional ideas. 

About the author

Smithton Public Library

The Smithton Public Library District is located in southern Illinois, near St. Louis, MO. The library serves nearly 5,000 residents. We hope you visit us soon!